Whether it is MOTHERS fighting for their rights and the well being of their children. Protecting themselves from physical, sexual, emotional abuse, false allegations or other malevolent attacks.

Whether it is FATHERS fighting for their rights and the well being of their children. Protecting themselves from abuse, false allegations or other malevolent attacks.

Whether it is EMPLOYEES fighting for their rights and the well being of their families. Protecting themselves from maltreatment, coercion, or other malevolent attacks.

Whether is is PATIENTS fighting for their rights of medical care from terminal illnesses. Protecting themselves from malpractice, excessive billing and being driven to bankruptcy in order to survive.

We all have a common enemy: NARCISSISTS.

Let's Unite!

Narcissists will always do damage by pursuing their narcissistic supply, whether that's breaking down its victim, pursuit of power, money, or anything it deems its existence depends on.

Narcissists will lie, manipulate, gaslight, abuse, portray you as the abuser, and when succeeds it will laugh how grandiose it is and how the world belongs to it.

If you put a fox in charge of a hen house, slaughter WILL happen. If you put a narcissist in charge of any institution, whether political, religious, academic, corporate, slaughter WILL happen. If you give a narcissist any position of power, whether it is legal, medical, academic, political, slaughter WILL happen.

When Mothers abused by narcissistic Fathers and the system start fighting back, and when Fathers abused by narcissistic Mothers and the system start fighting back, good Mothers and good Fathers will fragment and start fighting each other. Exactly what narcissists want so they can keep abusing.

Let's not fight against each other. Let's unite and fight the real enemy.