What is a paradigm is very difficult to describe, and even more so to describe to someone his/her own specific paradigm, yet this is the most important understanding and acceptance of humans in order to solve any conflicts and live in harmony. With oneself but also with others.

Explaining what is a paradigm, or someone's own specific paradigm, is like explaining to a fish what is water:

"Water?" "Where?" "I don't see it." "You are crazy!" "Wet and dry?" "And I !!! am the ONE who is wet???" "Wet means with water and dry is without" "What are you talking about?"

"Don't talk to Nemo, he is crazy"


What is Paradigm

Paradigm is metaphorical glasses through which we see the world. It's an abstraction yet very powerful. Every human being has a paradigm. It is an inescapable experience of every human being. The science of psychology has studied and dissected the paradigm (although it doesn't call it that way) and many theories have evolved about our subconscious psyche. The ego, the Id, the shadows, the personalities, etc. That's current science.

So what is a paradigm? For the lack of better words it is a set of belief systems or neural connections that filter any and all of our experiences and makes us behave in certain patterns. (We'll talk about free will below). It's easier (not easy) to describe it rather than to define it.

Here are a few examples:

  • if your paradigm rejects you, sees you as ugly, you will see yourself this way, really believe it, and you will react to the outside world as if it was true and it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy (not that you are ugly, but that you will attract other paradigms that will fulfill their voids with yours, and will call you ugly, especially at the time of stress)

  • If your paradigm over-exagerates your importance, sees you as very beautiful, you will see yourself this way, really believe it, and you will react to the outside world (pride?) as if it was true and it will become a self-filling prophecy (not that you are beautiful, but that you will attract other paradigms that will fulfill their voids with yours, and will call you beautiful and put you on a pedestal to affirm your paradigm's elevated view of itself and lowered view of theirs) 

Here is what we know about paradigms:

  • Paradigm always hides itself from the host (you). See Paradigm Blindness article. Your logic, thoughts, intellect will only support the paradigm and it will reject that you even have one. You "see the truth" after-all, right? Paradigm will reject anything that challenges it or exposes it.

    • Example: Ever met a person who e.g. "can't stop talking" yet complains about others being "verbose" even if they are not? All people around can see the "ego" of this person, but that person not only doesn't see it, he rejects it, and anyone who tries to "touch it" or is doing the same is labeled with a negative label.

  • Paradigm replicates trans-generationally. Psychology is falling short on this one, however there have already been studies that show that e.g. "A1 parents will raise C3 children". A1 and C3 referring to some specific personalities (paradigms). Alcoholism runs in families. So does narcissism. So does every paradigm or its counterpart.

    • Example: Continuing with the above example of "can't stop talking", a parent possessed by such paradigm will behave towards his child in way that the child will pick up the same or opposite paradigm. The Child will also become 'talkative' like the parent (and judgmental of others doing so), or hearing from the parent the negative labels, the child will become quite mute.

    • Another example: If a paradigm of a parent sees that parent as bad, ugly, the parent will really believe it and will behave as if it was true, and the Child's paradigm will "learn" how to see the parent. The same way. The paradigm will replicate itself. 

    • To make things more complicated, psychology has defined something called "Stockholm Syndrome" which states that if trauma (abuse) is present, a Child will align with the more dangerous parent. Theory goes that it is a survival mechanism and aligning with abusive person has higher chances of survival for the Child than opposing such person. The paradigms of abusive people create trauma in other people which then is used for the paradigm to replicate itself. This is exactly what happens in Parental Alienation - Not what you think.

Metaphysical Leap

This is where the science of psychology falls short and for obvious reasons. So no blame here. Science is based on measurable data, drawing conclusions from such with established methods and techniques of analysis. Un-measurable abstracts are not within logical realm in which science operates.

Yet, if the paradigm is replicated trans-generationally (from parents to children) then what is this "thing" that is above us, humans, that replicates through us? Are we, humans, mere tools of this "thing"? "If I think they way I think", "if I am who I think am", but it is the paradigm that defines this and I logically defend it and not see that I do it, then "Who am I really?" and "What is this thing inside of me?".

Suddenly, a "curse" that runs in families makes sense as it refers to 'paradigm replication' (and suffering of such) and not some witchcraft talk. Mythological stories e.g. "Greek mythology" will take entirely different meaning once one reads it through a lens of paradigms and how they behave and act out. 

Absolute majority of people will reject the above. They will reject that they have a paradigm, they will reject that they are defending anything, and will reject that anything has been passed onto them. Remember the fish? They are Warriors of the paradigm.

As such, they will believe that they are in control of themselves, that everything they believe is true, and that other people also control themselves and thus you can judge them according to their behaviors. In other words, they will act out their paradigm and hide it at the same time.

There is however one paradigm (or a malevolent set of paradigms) that can exploit exactly this and navigate the humans, who reject it and thus enable it, in a very malevolent way and hide itself. There is one paradigm that exploits this very effectively. The evil is real.

Free will

Free will implies we have a choice in our actions. And with the choice we are responsible for the consequences of our actions. It also implies that there is no paradigm that 'controls' us. It is all us, our choices, in our conscious logical part of the brain, and that we are fully in control over it.

Well, regardless of this article, we already know that this is not true. Addictions, such as alcoholism have been proven that it is not a choice. It is a complex defense mechanism that serves a purpose. And there is an explanation on a paradigm level what it is but it is not the scope of this article to go into this rabbit hole.

Depression, addictions, anxieties are all examples of our 'brain activity' that we do not control. You cannot choose not to be depressed, not to be addicted, or not to be anxious. These are paradigms at work to protect themselves, from you, the host. Well, but what about our rigid and thus 'addictive' points of view on life, or self, on others and our behaviors that matches those beliefs? How is that different (from paradigm point of view and one's inability to change such view) from other rigid, yet mal-adaptive, mechanisms? Just because it is not 'mal-adaptive' and thus one can live a 'normal' life, it does not mean that it is any better (from free will point of view), than e.g. alcoholism.

If you e.g. have an anxiety, or depression, you can try all day long to "persuade" yourself that there is no reason to be in this state. And you are wanting to persuade yourself because the current state is causing you suffering that you do not want. The paradigm doesn't care what you want though. You might even put up signs in your home stating "Life is beautiful". Logical part of the brain serves the purpose to defend the paradigm, and to get stuck in it. Pushing against it this way, never works. And what about those people whose paradigms cause them no suffering. Rigid view on politics, self, friends, family members? It's easy to align with people whose paradigms are the same, validate each other, and there is no need to even attempt to 'persuade' oneself against the paradigm.

If you want to solve any of the above, within you, you have to solve it on a paradigm level. Nothing else will work.

So, where is free will in this? There is a free will. Free will to CHOOSE to see one's own paradigm and go against it. To move up on the Paradigm Blindness ladder. To expand on it. To not fall for it. To accept it as is. To see what it does, yet not to react to it. That's free will. Doing so is a very painful process. But we all have a free will to do it but not necessarily strength to take the path.

Human Experience

When you look around, you will see that there are many paradigms operating. Human suffering is real, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Work of art or mythological stories are beautiful ways of people fighting their own paradigms and expressing the struggle. Human experience is the most beautiful experience.

Malevolent Paradigm

This site, and these writings are however about malevolent paradigm. A paradigm that exploits, manipulates and is a root cause of artificial and induced suffering. It loves suffering. It feeds of such. It replicates in such. It is describe in Narcissistic Paradigm article.

Malevolent Enabling Paradigm

Yet there is also a paradigm that enables the malevolent paradigm. There is a specific dance between the two. This is described in Codependent Paradigm article.

This particular article however, is a foundation to understand the frame in which we can effectively address this evil.

We MUST UNITE against our common enemy as We Have Had Enough of the abuse.