Things are escalating.

Two weeks ago a CT judge (a woman) sent Mother to jail for not paying legal fees (after running out of money).
Last week COLORADO judge sends Aurora Mother to jail for her attempt to protect her children from forced reunification with abusive (with evidence) Father. (Article Here: Denver Gazette)
The above actually abusive dad had a history of restraining orders, sexual assaults (against his own children!), etc.... With evidence!!! Yet, none of that mattered. And Mother is sent to jail. WHY?
There is a Narcissistic Paradigm that has infiltrated the society. It has always been here, dormant, but flared out multiple times throughout the history of humanity yet now it's going rampant. The paradigm has persecutory needs in order to induce suffering in its targets and that's how it gets the narcissistic supply. And it has a need to stay hidden, so it hides behind deception and pretense of justice. It works through induced psychosis in its hosts (abusers) and others. If you look at a parent abuser and its behavior (false allegation, abuse, etc..) including being master manipulator that others can't tell who is the culprit (inducing psychosis) and then look at behaviors of lawyer, judge, judicial oversight offices, legislation, they ALL behave the same way. Look at Ukraine or Gaza. It's all a PERSECUTORY MASS PSYCHOSIS. Hidden behind righteousness and fighting for a good cause. Look at the USA. We have a MASS PSYCHOSIS on the political left and on the political right. The political division and fighting IS the goal of the paradigm's motive, not the result of it. The paradigm opens the country borders, decriminalizes acts of crimes, de-funds the repressive forces, supports wars, lies about economic indicators, restrains social media in the name of protecting the truth. It creates a self-protective Narcissistic Pyramid. It rewards malevolence and punishes those that act against it. It portrays itself as a warrior of truth and justice. False allegations and deception are its master tools to induce psychosis.
The paradigm has to replicate itself onto children: Parental Alienation - Not what you think. It does so by abusing the child (that's how narcissists are formed). It has to abuse for its own survival. In the Colorado case above, the paradigm (through the Judge) ordered the Child to be with the same paradigm (father, the abuser) so it can replicate itself through abuse. Mother physically prevented that from happening. So the paradigm (through the judge) ordered the Mother to Jail for the interference with replication and forced the children to be with the abuser so it can replicate. All HIDDEN behind court orders and statutes and contempt of the court. Hidden behind family re-unification, to re-establish bond between the father and the children. All righteous causes. Anyone opposing such is a BAD person. And needs to be jailed. That's the psychosis of the paradigm.
70 years ago, Solzhenitsyn wrote about Stalinistic regime about Labor Camps and persecution of people: Labor Camps vs Family Courts"As we begin to understand our judicial practices, we realize now that the public trials were only the surface indications of the mole's tunnel, and all the main digging lay beneath the surface." and "The proofs of guilt were relative, approximate, and the interrogator could find them, even when there was no evidence and no witness, without leaving office, basing his conclusions not only on his own intellect but also on his sensitivity, his moral forces and on his 'character' (i.e. his willingness to apply cruelty!)"
There is no law or statutes, education, accountability that changes this. It's a MASS PSYCHOSIS. It will jail, kill, murder, and destroy anyone who is perceived as enemy of the paradigm or who interferes with its process. It is already in Gaza and Ukraine. And the US, UK, Europe, Australia. Jailing in the family system is just the beginning.

We must rethink this whole thing. We MUST HEAL and UNITE.